You might’ve heard the phrase ‘smash the patriarchy!’ being chanted by feminist activists. So what is this thing that feminists are working so hard to bring down?
The ‘Patriarchy’ is a social system where positions of power and privilege are primarily held by men and masculinity, so they sit at the top of the hierarchy and everyone else comes below. The term is derived from Latin, and literally translates to ‘the rule of the father’. In traditional western family structures, the father is considered to be the most important and powerful person, while the mother and children come below. The patriarchy takes this unequal family model and replicates it across every aspect of society — such as political, social, cultural, and economic realms.
To put it simply, the patriarchy sucks because it means women and gender diverse people become disadvantaged in many areas of their lives. They might find it really difficult to become the Prime Minister, for example, and be expected by their husbands to do all the household cleaning. In a patriarchy, the majority of powerful positions in governments, companies, schools, universities, and families are held by men. This means unfair decisions are often made when it comes to issues affecting women and gender diverse people… sound familiar? That would be because we live in a patriarchal world today.
It can be frustrating to learn about the patriarchy, as it can feel like something that’s out of our control. The patriarchy is like an invisible web of power that has existed for a very very long time, that we are all born into. Not just women and gender-diverse people are disadvantaged by patriarchy — men are also confined to rigid gender roles that impact their ability to show emotions. Ever heard of the phrase “real men don’t cry?”
So how can we change this huge, global system that is creating so much unfairness when we are just one person? Well, the good news is that we’re not just one person! Feminism is a widespread movement with heaps of supporters that are collectively working to smash the patriarchy.
But why does the patriarchy exist in the first place?
Good question. Well, historians and anthropologists have found that the patriarchy wasn’t always a thing. In ancient societies like Çatalhöyük (from 9000 years ago) in modern day Turkey, there was no patriarchy. In Çatalhöyük, gender made little difference to how people lived — men and women did similar jobs and had very similar lifestyles. This was true for many cultures around Earth, as various Indigenous societies existed without patriarchy (known as a matrilineal society).
Historically, hunter/gatherer societies are often thought of as patriarchal. However, historians have found that it was far more egalitarian. As hunting was often a rarity, working communally was the only way humans survived. This clearly proves that patriarchy is something man-made, not a natural part of human existence. And if it is created, can be dismantled!
Patriarchy emerged when some societies transitioned into fixed forms of agriculture. With this shift, ideas of property and ownership became prominent. The first ‘states’ (or what we also think of as ‘countries’) also came about. Through this new development of ideas, there emerged a culture of dominance and subordination where the retention of land was based on systems of marriage and the importance of fertility.
Women’s fertility was used as a method of passing on wealth and land, as upper class families required (often male) heirs to inherit their wealth. Women were therefore relegated to the realm of reproduction rather than their prior status as respected leaders.
Religious institutions, such as Christianity, were key in concretising this system. They acted as a cultural power that naturalised patriarchy as something that had not only always existed but was biologically determined by men and masculinity. This is not true and yet is a belief that still permeates in Australian society, and across the world.
The role of colonisation
Through the process of colonisation, patriarchy was transported all over the world. From the 1500-1800s, European powers such as Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, and of course Britain, began to expand and invade every continent on this planet.
When forcing Indigenous people off their land, European powers also enforced religiously informed hierarchical and patriarchal ideas about gender, race, and power. These ideas were meant to undermine Indigenous cultures and remove Indigenous women from power. Patriarchy intersects with other systems of domination and power. Racism and white supremacy play a key role in maintaining patriarchy.
Combined, these systems enforced the idea that women are inferior and weaker than men. White forms of masculinity and femininity are placed on a hierarchy that disenfranchises people of colour. Therefore, many countries that used to be ruled by a colonial power, and many that still are (such as Australia and Canada), have patriarchal structures that maintain male authority and perpetuate racism. To learn more, you can listen and read here.
The history of patriarchy shows us it is not natural. It was created by powerful and elite people hundreds of years ago as a means of control. It’s wild to think that these ideas have continued to influence our lives right through to the 21st century!
While the majority of countries and societies today (like Australia) are dominated by patriarchal structures, it isn’t universal. There are at least 160 matrilineal societies — where the ‘mother’ rules — that continue to exist today.
You can learn more about the history of the patriarchy here.
Where to from here?
Once you become aware of the patriarchy, you’ll probably start noticing it everywhere. You might notice that men and boys are given more positions of power at your school, for example, or that people think you’re less strong because you’re a girl. These are all effects of the patriarchy. Becoming aware of the patriarchy is important because once we know what it is we can start to stand up and fight back. Feminism is basically a movement to challenge and bring down the patriarchy — so if you haven’t already, we recommend learning more about feminism, its history, and intersectionality.